8 research outputs found

    Semantische Objektmodellierung mittels multimodaler Interaktion

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    Ein Konzept für eine interaktive semantische Objektmodellierung wird vorgeschlagen. Die flexible und erweiterbare Objektrepräsentation ermöglicht die Modellierung funktionaler und semantischer Objektinformationen durch die Darstellung von Eigenschaften, die menschliche Begriffe und Kategorien abbilden und die Verbindung von Objekten mit Handlungen und mit sensoriell erfassbaren Attributen herstellen. Das interaktive Modellierungssystem erlaubt die intuitive Erstellung semantischer Objektmodelle

    Semantische Objektmodellierung mittels multimodaler Interaktion

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    Ein Konzept für eine interaktive semantische Objektmodellierung wird vorgeschlagen. Die flexible und erweiterbare Objektrepräsentation ermöglicht die Modellierung funktionaler und semantischer Objektinformationen durch die Darstellung von Eigenschaften, die menschliche Begriffe und Kategorien abbilden und die Verbindung von Objekten mit Handlungen und mit sensoriell erfassbaren Attributen herstellen. Das interaktive Modellierungssystem erlaubt die intuitive Erstellung semantischer Objektmodelle

    Developing and Analyzing Intuitive Modes for Interactive Object Modeling

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    In this paper we present two approaches for intuitive interactive modelling of special object attributes by use of specific sensoric hardware. After a brief overview over the state of the art in interactive, intuitive object modeling, we motivate the modeling task by deriving the different object attributes that shall be modeled from an analysis of important interactions with objects. As an example domain, we chose the setting of a service robot in a kitchen. Tasks from this domain were used to derive important basic actions from which in turn the necessary object attributes were inferred. In the main section of the paper, two of the derived attributes are presented, each with an intuitive interactive modeling method. The object attributes to be modeled are stable object positions and movement restrictions for objects. Both of the intuitive interaction methods were evaluated with a group of test persons and the results are discussed. The paper ends with conclusions on the discussed results and a preview of future work in this area, in particular of potential applications

    Dendritic cell type 3 arises from Ly6C+^{+} monocyte-dendritic cell progenitors

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    Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells that control the adaptive immune response. Their subsets and developmental origins have been intensively investigated but are still not fully understood as their phenotypes, especially in the DC2 lineage and the recently described human DC3s, overlap with monocytes. Here, using LEGENDScreen to profile DC vs. monocyte lineages, we found sustained expression of FLT3 and CD45RB through the whole DC lineage, allowing DCs and their precursors to be distinguished from monocytes. Using fate mapping models, single-cell RNA sequencing and adoptive transfer, we identified a lineage of murine CD16/32+^{+}CD172a+^{+} DC3, distinct from DC2, arising from Ly6C+^{+} monocyte-DC progenitors (MDPs) through Lyz2+^{+}Ly6C+^{+}CD11c^{-} pro-DC3s, whereas DC2s develop from common DC progenitors (CDPs) through CD7+^{+}Ly6C+^{+}CD11c+^{+} pre-DC2s. Corresponding DC subsets, developmental stages, and lineages exist in humans. These findings reveal DC3 as a DC lineage phenotypically related to but developmentally different from monocytes and DC2s

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